2014년 2월 6일 목요일

[HP-UX] 1. MP 설정

1. MP 로그인을 한다.

  This is a private system.
  Do not attempt to login unless you are an authorized user. 
  Any authorized or unauthorized access or use may be monitored and can
  result in criminal or civil prosecution under applicable law.
MP login: Admin
MP password: Admin

         Hewlett-Packard Integrated Lights-Out 3 for Integrity
  (C) Copyright 1999-2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
                    MP Host Name: rx2800i2-1
                 iLO MP Firmware Revision 01.50.02
                       MP ACCESS IS NOT SECURE
  A default MP user Admin/Admin is currently configured
  with the default password and remote access is enabled. Modify the
  default password or delete the default user (see UC command)
            Disable all types of remote access (see SA command)

         CO: Console
        VFP: Virtual Front Panel
         CM: Command Menu
         CL: Console Log
         SL: Show Event Logs
         HE: Main Help Menu
          X: Exit Connection

2. MP 네트워크를 설정한다.

[rx2800i2-1]</> hpiLO-> cm

        (Use Ctrl-B to return to MP main menu.)

[rx2800i2-1] CM:hpiLO-> lc

Next LAN Configuration:
     - - MAC Address                : 0xb499ba189dfa
     D - DHCP Status                : Disabled
     I - IP Address                 :
     M - MP Host Name               : rx2800i2-1
     S - Subnet Mask                :
     G - Gateway Address            :
     L - Link State                 : Auto Negotiate
     O - Duplex Option              : n/a
     R - Remote Serial Console Port : 2023
     H - SSH Access Port            : 22

Enter parameter(s) to change, A to modify All, or [Q] to Quit: a

For each parameter, enter:
     New value, or
     <CR> to retain the current value, or
     DEFAULT to set the default value, or
     Q to Quit

IP Address:
   Current ->
Enter new value, or Q to Quit:
   -> Current IP Address has been retained

Host Name:
   Current -> rx2800i2-1
              ilob499ba189dfa (default)
Enter new value, or Q to Quit: rx2800i2-1
   -> Current Host Name has been retained

Subnet Mask:
   Current ->
Enter new value, or Q to Quit:
   -> Current Subnet Mask has been retained

Gateway Address:
   Current ->
Enter new value, or Q to Quit:
   -> Current Gateway Address has been retained

Remote Serial Console Port:
   Current -> 2023 (default)
              Options:  2000 to 2400
Enter new value, or Q to Quit:   
   -> Current Remote Serial Console Port has been retained

SSH Console Port Number:
   Current -> 22 (default)
              Options:  22, 2000 to 2400
Enter new value, or Q to Quit:
   -> Current SSH Console Port Number has been retained

DHCP Status:
   Current -> D - Disabled
              E - Enabled  (default)
Enter new value, or Q to Quit: d
   -> Current DHCP Status has been retained

Link State:
   Current -> A - Auto Negotiate (default)
              X - 10BaseT
              C - 100BaseT
Enter new value, or Q to Quit:
   -> Current Link State has been retained

Remote Serial Console Port:
   Current -> 2023 (default)
              Options:  2000 to 2400
Enter new value, or Q to Quit:
   -> Current Remote Serial Console Port has been retained

Next LAN Configuration:
     - - MAC Address                : 0xb499ba189dfa
     D - DHCP Status                : Disabled
     I - IP Address                 :
     M - MP Host Name               : rx2800i2-1
     S - Subnet Mask                :
     G - Gateway Address            :
     L - Link State                 : Auto Negotiate
     O - Duplex Option              : n/a
     R - Remote Serial Console Port : 2023
     H - SSH Access Port            : 22

Enter parameter(s) to change, A to modify All, or [Q] to Quit:
   -> Current Next LAN Configuration has been retained.

4. MP의 Telnet 서비스가 Enable인지 확인한다.(기본 Enable)

5. MP를 리스타트 시킨다.

[rx2800i2-1] CM:hpiLO-> xd

XD Menu:
     L - LAN access (PING)
     R - Restart MP
Enter menu item or [Q] to Quit: r

   Confirm? (Y/[N]): y

MP is now being reset...

-> Command successful.
[rx2800i2-1] CM:hpiLO->
HP Management Processor
(C) Copyright 1999-2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

  This is a private system.
  Do not attempt to login unless you are an authorized user. 
  Any authorized or unauthorized access or use may be monitored and can
  result in criminal or civil prosecution under applicable law.
MP login: Admin
MP password: *****

         Hewlett-Packard Integrated Lights-Out 3 for Integrity
  (C) Copyright 1999-2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
                    MP Host Name: rx2800i2-1
                 iLO MP Firmware Revision 01.50.02
                       MP ACCESS IS NOT SECURE
  A default MP user Admin/Admin is currently configured
  with the default password and remote access is enabled. Modify the
  default password or delete the default user (see UC command)
            Disable all types of remote access (see SA command)

         CO: Console
        VFP: Virtual Front Panel
         CM: Command Menu
         CL: Console Log
         SL: Show Event Logs
         HE: Main Help Menu
          X: Exit Connection

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